Friday 15 May 2015

Usage Stats: Learning Services Maths Support

Given we are nearing the end of the academic year, I thought it would be useful to publish the log data for the Learning Services Maths Support Resource.

As you maybe aware, this site was developed as part of our changing support model for Maths at UCS. The new support model more clearly identifies the responsibilities between Learning Services and the Course Teams / Lecturers.

The aim of this resource is to provide a repository for discipline and/or task specific how to guides (both created in house, or sourced from Khan Academy and HEIs), provide a gateway to available online courses (either created in house, or via MOOC platforms), and link to quality assured resources created by similar teams in other UK HEIs.

Please note, as a new resource there is no comparable data. However, the following is very interesting as it highlights a number of key observations. Firstly, the resource is being used, secondly the majority of visitors are finding this resource via Google and not through our internal promotion, and thirdly, nearly half the accesses are from outside the UK.

  • Page views (September 2014 to May 2015): 2,207
  • Total number of posts (September 2014 to May 2015): 13
  • Traffic Source: Google
  • Audience: 53.5% from UK, 21.9% from USA

Publication Pattern of Posts

The intention was to post a minimum of two posts per month. It is evident this was achieved for the majority of time.

  • Sept 2014: 2
  • Oct 2014: 2
  • Nov 2014: 4
  • Dec 2014: 1
  • Jan 2015: 2
  • Feb 2015: 0
  • March 2015: 2
  • April 2105: 0

Most popular posts

  • Monthly video: Hypothesis Testing: 364 page views (16.5 of total page views)

Most popular pages

The following pattern supports the opinion within Learning Services we need to improve the impact of the Building Blocks page, which we view as text heavy and static. We are in the process of creating a number of getting started video guides, and exploring an ask a question option.

  • Building Blocks: 274 page views
  • Health & Science: 121 page views
  • Getting Support: 86 page views
  • Online Courses: 62 page views
  • Dissertations: 54 page views
  • Arts, Business & ASS: 41 page views

If you have any questions around this post or Maths Support at UCS, please email Learning Services (

Image - With thanks - free to share


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